Service Type
- Silvicultural Contractor
Contact Information
- PO Box 337
- Keller, WA, 99140
- Phone: 509-634-8608
- Fax: 509-634-4194
- Email:
Business Description and Remarks
Wildland firefighting, logging, tree planting, native plants, tree thinning, hazard tree removal, fire wood cutting, site prep
- Brush/slash disposal
- Forest inventory/appraisal/timber cruising
- Pre-commercial thinning
- Prescribed burning
- Reforestation/tree planting
Other Services
Commercial thinning
Counties Served
- Chelan
- Douglas
- Ferry
- Grant
- Lincoln
- Okanogan
- Pend Oreille
- Spokane
- Stevens
Optional Information
- Experience/Education of Key Personnel: No Information Provided
- Carries Liability Insurance: Yes
- Carries Surety Bond: Yes, in the amount of $10,000
- Licensed Pesticide Applicators on staff: No
- Certified Wildfire Mitigation Specialist(s) (CWMS) on staff: No
- NRCS Technical Service Provider (TSP): No
- Professional Affiliations: